Gender reveal parties are very unnecessary events that should be skipped.
It is never bad to celebrate the birth of a newborn baby but when 'gender reveal parties' become a thing, you begin to wonder about humanity.
What's a gender reveal party? The name basically says it all. It is nothing more than an expecting couple hosting a party where they reveal the gender of their yet-to-be-born baby to the friends and family.
Your guess is as good as mine. What happened to a text or an Instagram post? Why host a party to reveal the sex of your unborn child? Even Yoruba people who love parties wouldn't go this far to have a party.
Gender reveal parties started popping up circa 2008 when expectant couples felt it was best to gather friends and family members and reveal the gender of their kid. 7 years down the line and couples are still hosting these type of parties.
This type of party should not be confused with the baby shower. Gender reveal parties are held when the parents are about to find out the sex of their child.
The process for a gender reveal party starts this way,
The parents go for an ultrasound.
The ultrasound technician writes the gender of the baby in an envelope and seals it.
The envelope is sent to the planner of the gender reveal party who will put pink or blue balloons in a cardboard box.
At the party, the planner will announce the sex of the baby. If the baby is female, the pink balloons would be released from the box. If it's a boy, the blue balloons are released.
Yes, this is a bit much but we guess it is just another way for couples to share the excitement of finding out the sex of their baby with their friends and loved ones.
Gender reveal parties, of course, happen in the western world but there might be some wealthy Nigerians who have decided to join the train.
For all its good intentions, a gender reveal party is a waste of money and energy. In Nigeria, it is going to be another expense that can be easily avoided.
First of all, there is the baby shower, then the hospital bills and the naming ceremony. All these things cost money. Adding a new event to this process is a waste of money and not let's mention energy.
If couples want to reveal the sex of their baby to their loved ones, they should create a WhatsApp group and send a broadcast group. It's way cheaper.
from - Gist
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