
Pulse Blogger: Who are these sexual perverts?

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Who are these sexual perverts?

...the raping of Ochanya to death is a crime against humanity.

In recent times #Justice for Ochanya has been trending.

A cross section of Nigerians, including activists, medical doctors, lawyers and educationists have been protesting the chilling circumstances under which a 13-year old, Elizabeth Ochanya Ogbaje passed on.

Among them are the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), the Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) and the old students association of Federal Government Girls College, Gboko. Little Ochanya who is still legally a child was reported to have given up the ghost at the Benue State University Teaching Hospital  due to  a medical condition called Vesicovaginal  Fistula (VVF)  and other related complications that were the result of years of serial  sexual abuse of the girl  by father and  son from age nine!


One can well imagine the physical and emotional pains that Ochanya went through during those years. More importantly, she was robbed of her childhood, unable to experience the joys of childhood as do her mates. She was a student of the Federal Government Girls College, Gboko. The rapists are said to be 51-year old Andrew Ogboja, a lecturer at the Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo and his son, Victor, reported to be a final year student of the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi.

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According to Dr. Godwin Tijani, Chairman of the Nigeria Medical Association’s National Ad-hoc Committee on Gender Violence and other Related Issues, the raping of Ochanya to death is a crime against humanity. One cannot agree more.   He said, “The deceased was living with them for many years and they defiled her through vagina and anal sex”.

Then arises the question, who are these sexual perverts that are now prowling about the country, north, west, south and east?  For, raping of children has become so commonplace in our society that hardly a week passes without it being reported in the media. This appears to be the new fad (raping of underage persons) of these deviants in our society.

They certainly are people who are dead within, deaf to their conscience and without any grain of love whatsoever; for an under-aged person with its child-like countenance of innocence should elicit in any true human being the urge to protect him/her, not to harm him/ her in any way, not least in a violent and unrelenting manner as crude sexual abuse. They are people from the nether region, the underworld whose propensity for evil defines their personality.


Should you ask these deviants why they did such a thing they will invariably blame the “devil” for their despicable action. The so-called devil has become a convenient alibi for them but it is no excuse. If you ask me, they were very much aware of what they were doing.  Let us even assume that the so-called devil put the evil idea in their heads, what did they do to resist it? Did they pray to the good Lord for the strength to overcome? They willingly succumbed to their weaknesses without a second thought.

Also these obviously ‘insane’ men give the impression that they were tempted by the sight of the girls. Pray, how can an under-aged girl who has not fully developed the characteristics of a woman become attractive to these men as to have sex with them? The sexual instinct has not yet set in in these children, so they remain innocent children as regards that matter, oblivious of sex matters.

You could argue that in these days of information explosion –online and on air - children now become aware of these issues at a much earlier age. Yet, the point remains that these children did not lure or tempt these men in any way. They were not near nude by wearing provocative dresses that set these ‘mad’ men’s imagination running wild. Even if they were, what is there to attract them in an under-aged girl-child whose outward physical appearance is as yet almost the same as that of a boy?

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They are the ones who usually lure these apparently children who as yet are not aware of the wiles of the world in terms of beguilement and cunning. Children deal with the world and human beings in a straight-forward manner. Thus in their child-like world view, the thought hardly occurs to them that uncle, cousin, daddy or grandpa can do any bad thing to them.

They take advantage of these under-aged children’s child-like innocence in which is embedded trust and obedience to deceive them into entering the privacy of their closets to have carnal knowledge of them. After finishing with their dirty acts, they usually warn the girls not to reveal what happened to anyone, threatening them that they would die if they did.

And the girls believe these men because in their child-like world, adults don’t tell lies. But the deed cannot be hidden for ever as they are later obliged to tell mummy after suspicions and persistent questioning by her to unfold what transpired.

Red lights

If these deviant men are really hard pressed to satisfy their sexual urge, could they not go after a consenting female adult? At worst they could contract one at any of the red light districts. In this digital age their services are just a phone call away. This is not to say that I approve of prostitution. Why they prefer to harm and spoil these unspoilt, under-aged children rather than seek fellow adult females for their sexual gratification is baffling. The only explanation is that they are arrant deviants.

Written by Victoria Ngozi Ikeano.

Victoria Ngozi Ikeano a journalist is a quiet, reflective person who does not run with the crowd. She has interests in current and world affairs and can be reached via vikeano@yahoo.co.uk 08033077519 @VictoriaIkeano

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