
Pulse Nigeria Poll: Readers want Esther to report a pervert pastor to her husband

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This crying woman needs help urgently

While 44% of Pulse Nigeria Poll voters want Esther to report her perverted pastor to her husband, 35% want her to report him to the police.

Esther is in her second marriage without a child and at 38, her biological clock is fast ticking, something that has made her so desperate to have a child of her own.

It was that desperation that led her to a pastor whom she thought would help her out of her problems only for the man to compound them the more.

He has been holding her as his sex slave for many months and she is now looking for a way out.

Read her story here:

"My name is Esther, a 38-year-old married woman. I have been married for eight years now without a fruit of the womb and that has been the cause of my present woes.

In fact, this is my second marriage after my first husband and his family sent me out of his house because of my inability to give him a child. Though my new husband has been encouraging me, telling me that we would have kids at the right time, I still get very worried.

I often hear snippets from his mother and sisters talking about me whenever they come to visit. Though they have not come out in the open like my former husband's family, I know they are not happy and it would be a matter of time before the same fate befalls me again.

ALSO READ: "Morning Teaser: 'My pastor has held me captive sexually because of a child'"

I have been to several hospitals, done fertility tests, gone for deliverance, taken all sorts of herbal drinks all in a bid to have a child but everything has been futile.

It was in this search for a child, even one child, that led me to this so-called pastor who has held me captive for over one year now.

It was my friend, Mandu, who introduced me to the man who runs a church in a remote part of Lagos. Mandu had regaled me with the man's powers, miracles and how he has been helping barren women have their own children.

I did not wait to hear all the things the man can do as I told Mandu to take me to him. That was how desperate I was. When we got to the church, I was first disappointed because it was a dilapidated and ramshackle structure beside a canal.

But Mandu told me not to worry about the structure but what would come out of the visit. After explaining my mission to the pastor, he told me that some people in my village had tied my womb and that it would take a serious spiritual battle to untie my womb.

He said I must, first of all, provide some money for him to buy the items he would need for the spiritual battle. After that, I was to start a one-week dry fasting which I would observe in the church before the final battle.

When I got home, I told my husband about it and he said if it would bring solutions to our childlessness, he had no problem with that.

I started the fast and on the last day, he took me to back of the church to give me what he called final bath. I guess he must have hypnotized me because the next thing I knew was that he was on top of me, making love to me.

ALSO READ: "Pulse Nigeria Poll: Readers say Blessing should go to a man of God for deliverance"

I could not even protest or push him away as I was so weak. When he finished, he told me it was the instruction he got from God to have sex with me to open my womb.

Since that day, the man has been holding me captive as he has been sleeping with me regularly and I don't seem to have any power to stop him. I think he is using juju on me and the funny thing is that I can't even resist him nor tell anyone about it.

I am so ashamed of myself and I need help fast before this gets out of hand.


The teaser for the day was:

What do you think Esther should do to free herself from this pastor?

How Nigeria voted:

She should tell her husband what she has been going through - 44%

She should go to a real man of God to free her - 14%

She should report him to the police for sexual abuse - 35%

She should make up her mind to stop sleeping with him  - 8%

How would you vote here?

from pulse.ng - Gist http://ift.tt/2jj3Fsy

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