Olakunle has been married for 10 years without a baby but just when he thought his joy has been fulfilled by his girlfriend, another man comes on the scene.
"Dear Pulse,
My name is Olakunle, a 45-year-old man living in Ibadan, Oyo State. I have been married for 10 years now without a child but just when God answered my prayers and made me a father, a man came out from the blues to claim the baby.
To set the record straight, the baby was not delivered for me by my wife who has found it difficult to have a child due to an operation she had as a teenager.
After so many medical tests conducted on my wife, Biola, the doctors advised that we should adopt a child as the possibilities of her getting pregnant was a mere 10%.
After having a serious heart to heart talk with Biola, we decided I should try and get a woman to get pregnant for me because the embarrassment of being childless was getting to us.
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My family too were on my neck to either get another wife and send Biola packing but I was not ready to divorce her because apart from not being able to have a child, she has been a very dutiful and supportive wife.
So I decided to get a child from another woman and led me into starting a relationship with Tola, a single mother of two.
When we started dating, I made it clear to her that I was not going to marry her but that I would take care of her and the children provided she gave me children and not have anything to do with other men.
She accepted the arrangement and we started dating. I got her a two bedroom apartment, opened a shop for her and registered her children in a private school which I paid for. I was doing so much for her because of the love I had for her.
I divided my time between her and my wife and spent as much time as I could with her, even spending some nights with her.
Soon enough, Tola got pregnant and I was over the moon with joy. The fact that I was going to be a father, at last, was quite intoxicating and I treated Tola as a queen. I registered her in one of the best private hospitals in Ibadan and made sure she lacked nothing an expectant mother needed.
When she put to bed a baby boy, my joy knew no bounds as I made arrangements for the naming ceremony which I planned to be grand.
But on the day of the naming, my joy was cut short when the Imam announced that the father of the baby should come out with the names.
I was shocked when I saw a man whom I thought was a guest also coming out with his friends to say he was the father of the baby. I and my friends stood there rooted in shock as I sought an explanation.
Tola could not utter a word as she also stood there looking at the man. The Imam announced that he wanted to see all of us inside and we all went in. When we went inside, the man insisted that he was the real father of the baby.
He said he had been going out with Tola even before we met. He said they had a quarrel because of his wife and after staying apart for many months, they got back together and had been having sex regularly till she got pregnant and told him he was responsible.
Tola could not deny especially as we were in the presence of the Imam and other elders and confessed that the man was her man friend and came back after we had met and that she was also sleeping with him.
ALSO READ: "Morning Teaser: 'My wife told me my first son is not mine'"
But she, however, insisted that the baby belongs to me but the man vowed never to allow another man to have his child.
I have been betrayed and cheated by a woman whom I did so much for. I have been advised to go for a DNA test but what if the child turns out to belong to the other man?
Dear readers, we have another story of gross betrayal of trust on our hands and on Morning Teaser today, we want you to advise Olakunle on what he should.
from pulse.ng - Gist http://ift.tt/2wg2teO
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