
Pulse Nigeria Poll: Readers say Brenda should keep praying for her husband

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This worried woman needs advice (Illustration)

63% of Pulse Nigeria Poll readers have advised Brenda to keep praying for her adulterous husband to change his ways instead of toeing his path.

Brenda has been married to Ogaga for three and they have a child together but right from day one, Ogaga had shown that he is an incurable flirt despite getting everything from his wife.

He spends so much money on the women and believes that since he provides everything Brenda needs, she should be satisfied and not worried about his cheating.

Now she is tempted to pay him back in his own coins to show him that he does not have the monopoly of cheating.

Read her story here:

"My name is Brenda, a 28-year-old woman. I have been married to Ogaga for three years now and we have a child together but I am now regretting getting married to him.

Even before we got married, I knew that Ogaga was a ladies man but I thought marriage and family would calm him down but I have now come to realize that no man can change if God does not touch him.

Ogaga has a business of his own and makes good money but he spends so much money on women, buying them all sorts of luxury items including cars, expensive jewelry, clothes and take them abroad for vacations.

ALSO READ: "Morning Teaser: 'Should I cheat on my adulterous husband?'"

I would not have minded so much as long as he is taking care of the home front but his infidelity is taking a toll on me and now, I feel like paying him back in his own coins, at least to show him that men do not have a monopoly when it comes to cheating.

Anytime I confront Ogaga, he will tell me that many women would be praying to be in my shoes but he forgets that I am his wife and should get front row attention.

The most annoying thing is that he has not even spared my friends in his cheating spree as he has slept with almost all my friends, single and married.

I know how hurt I feel whenever I see my husband on blogs with one woman or the other, having great times whenever he travels out of the country while leaving me at home lonely, cold and sex starved.

I know many people will say that since he has provided me with everything I want, I should be contented but I am a full-blooded woman with needs and sexual urges. I think the best thing for me to do is to also show him that two can play the game.

ALSO READ: "Pulse Nigeria Poll: Readers beg Josephine to divorce her cheating husband"

Do you think I should just play the fool and allow him to sow his wild oats and turn a blind eye? I am of the belief that what a man can do, a woman can equally do since he thinks cheating on his wife is the best.


The teaser for the day was:

What do you think Brenda should do?

How Nigeria voted":

Since Ogaga is cheating on Brenda, she should also do the same - 17%

Brenda should not go the way of her husband - 13%

Brenda should keep praying for God to change her husband - 63%

Brenda should divorce Ogaga if she cannot cope with his lifestyle - 8%

How would you vote here?

from pulse.ng - Gist http://ift.tt/2xjhr3C

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