
Botched Material: Meet Nigerian 'surgeon' who thinks an ovary is the same as an appendix

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Dr. Lawal Haruna.

A disciplinary panel described Lawal Haruna as lacking genuine remorse despite his clear incompetence.

Dr Lawal Haruna, a Nigerian surgeon has been dismissed from duty after reportedly removing a female patient's ovary instead of her appendix.

In addition, Haruna who has conducted quite a number of botched operations also dislodged the fallopian tube of the subject who was admitted at a hospital for treatment of an abdominal pain.

The Telegraph News UK also reported another instance of Haruna's sheer incompetence in surgical operations.

It was stated that the so-called surgeon mistakenly removed a pad of fat from a patient who had acute appendicitis causing him to undergo further operation in just a month after he worked on him.

"Dr Haruna was mistaken in his identification of the appendix and removed the ovary and tube in error.

"This is a serious omission and a breach of duty of care.

"To have mistaken a fat pad for the appendix and to have failed to deal adequately with the pathology suggests a standard of care which is seriously below that expected of a reasonably competent Staff Grade in General Surgery," an expert report reads.

In his defense, Haruna who claims to have 25 years of experience in surgery insisted that the incidents were "trifling errors".

He added that the appendix and fallopian tubes were similar "worm-like structures which lie in a similar area", a reason for his inexcusable error.

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But a Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service which reviewed the cases would have none of it.

The incidents clearly pointed to a high degree of inability, earning him a lifelong ban that will prevent him from treating patients.

Clare Sharp, the chairman of the disciplinary panel pointed out that Haruna, though offered an apology to the patients, wasn't so much empathic in respect to their plights.

from pulse.ng - Gist http://ift.tt/2qfpcaz

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