
Pulse Nigeria Poll: Readers say Toke should confess to her husband about her child

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This is one very worried woman (Illustration)

63% of Pulse Nigeria Poll voters have advised Toke to confess that her child was adopted and beg her husband for forgiveness.

Toke has been married for many years without a child and her in-laws’ persistent humiliation pushed her into doing something unthinkable just to have a child to show for it.

Now after 18 years, the bubble is about to blow in her face as she faces the reality of either confessing her wrong doing or losing a child she loves with her life.

Read her story here:

"My name is Toke, a 40-year-old woman. I have been married for 20 years with only a child to show, though I must confess the boy is not really my biological child.

I knew I was going to be in trouble with my husband’s family when, after three years of marriage, I could not get pregnant and my mother-in-law started making some snide remarks whenever she came to visit.

She became quite nasty when our marriage clocked five years and yet there was no child forthcoming. Being an only son, my husband was expected to be the one to continue with the family lineage but I was seen as the stumbling block to achieving that.

His five sisters too were not making life easy for me as they openly told me that I was holding their brother with diabolically and that I should leave his house so he could get another wife who would give them children.

In all of this, my husband stood by me and kept telling me not to worry about what his family was doing as he was the one who married me and would stay by me, child or no child.

But when I could no longer take the heat, I confided in a close friend and she advised that I should pretend to be pregnant and when I was due to give birth, she would help me adopt a baby.

I followed her advice and got a fake pregnancy belly which I strapped on and gave all the signs of an expectant mother, vomiting in the morning, spitting all over the place, going for ante-natal care, refusing to eat, being lazy, sleeping all the time, and so on.

My husband could not hide his happiness and even when I told him the doctor advised that I should never have sex till I put to bed, he agreed and vacated our bedroom so that he would not be tempted.

When I was ‘eight months’ gone, my husband suggested I should travel to the UK to have the baby but I told him I would love to have the baby in my hometown and he agreed.

As arranged, my friend had made preparations to adopt a newborn baby for me for a handsome amount of money and by the time I went back home, I had a bouncing baby boy.

While weaning the child, my mother-in-law was surprised that I was not breastfeeding him but I quickly presented them with a medical report (forged of course), where I was certified not fit to breastfeed a baby.

Fast forward to 18 years from that time and I am in a serious dilemma. My son had a very serious medical condition that required blood transfusion and when my husband was tested, his blood group did not match with the boy’s and neither did anyone from his family.

Questions and insinuations are beginning to pop up and I am sure my secret will soon come out in the open.

My problem now is if I should confess to my husband that the boy he has come to love with his life, is actually not his.


The teaser for the day was:

Would you confess to your husband that he is not the real father of your child?

How Nigeria voted?

Yes, that would be the best step to take - 24%

No, that would remain my biggest secret - 12%

Nothing would ever make me confess - 6%

It would be best to confess to him and beg for forgiveness - 63%

What would be your vote here?

from pulse.ng - Gist http://ift.tt/2kmGYU1

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