"Kaycee Records: started his early music career at the age of ten(10) as a young boysinging at every gathering & event, making the crowd cheer him with joy& amazement of what this young boy could become musically with suchgift of talent. he could best described as mega star in today music
trend & styles that makes him unique…..MY DREAM..as a young talentedmusic star, having proved my mettle in some shows of locality & beyond& been regarded as star, i intend improving on my gift of talent &skills ,to go extra miles into its professionalism.The aspirationi got from my predecessors inspired me to do my best & stay on top of the
game LOOKOUT he just dropped his single called ”REVERSE” on
KAYCEE RECORDS stable. Without for “REVERSE” viral & main
video coming soon … CIAO"
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