
The Thin Line...

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Every meaning and purpose in life is separated by a thin line, it divides and separates us. Like a road path, route, there are distinctive boundaries. Each of the boundaries complements the circle of our existence. Justice and truth is only realistic within the context of these boundaries. This thin line is what explains justice, what uncovers the true meaning of truth.
The boundaries defines us as well as confines us, the thin line is our immunity and also our responsibility, our mercy our judgment.  This space between the lines is our distinct space, a space big enough to confirm our identity.
It is this thin line that keeps and reminds us of a black and a white, a right and a wrong.
As it is with one man, so it is with a group of persons. This thin line is one and many, different levels, different expectation therefore different names, some lines are called friendship, others called theirs love; some even called theirs marriage, some nation state. Hover the volume, one thing is undisputable.
These lines and space are independent and sovereign. This confinement is not slavery but discipline and responsibility.
So when a man or group of people decides to wipe clean these distinct line of separations, which defines meaning and purpose. A great tragedy occurs, we become without boundary, without honour, rout less and overly free, therefore without control or accountability or restraints.
Whether in the anals of the soul or within the scope of reality.
This seemingly sense of freedom without borders, like a strong red wine slowly begins to intoxicate and eventually corrupts the once humble sense of right and wrong.
Balance becomes a mirage, extremities assume a sublime, slowly but steadily pride sets in, and the soul becomes deaf and dumb and blind. The body becomes arrogant, the spirit is humiliated. The deadliest sin occurs, foolishness borne out of pride. God dies and man walks towards damnation.
Very few still remember the thin line in our life, remove the thin line and see that marriage and friendship have no difference. Divorce and separation is an alternative to infidelity and adultery. Lies will become diplomacy, private parts   public parts. Love and lust so mixed that we can’t even differentiate the worthy and the unworthy.
Suddenly we awake from our hangover and cry foul, we blame the heavens and the earth, and try to repent but we can’t find our way back. Because there is no line to follow, no line to lead us back to the starting block.
Guilty, shame full, angry and bitter we suck it up and pretend we are ok.
Few years after, we realize that we no longer laugh like before, we can’t even trust like before, only to discover that we have lost our innocence.
Fear becomes a constant companion, fear of the unknown, love becomes a game, marriage becomes a neccessary evil, and we struggle to survive with unseen tears as we envy the very young child with their innocence. We called it foolishness or childishness.
Finally, we prepare to die with a pack of regrets, with a constant eagerness to warn the young not to believe too much, nor to expect too much, for every young chap, we paint pictures of tragedy, coating our fears and regrets with elderly advice.
Like a virus we infect our fears into young minds, and create bias cast out of our mistakes, prejudice formed out of our ignorance and pride.
Unfortunately, we passed it down as tradition and customs causing the next generation to war even before they peaced. To fear before they love. To die before they lived.

 By, Victor Prince Dickson

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