
Last Words....

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The time has arrived. The time when you get to say goodbye to me, the time when lots of you go on prayers for me to leave behind your hanging blessings, the time when lots of you make those resolutions all over again. 

When I arrived, you sang and danced all over the place, welcoming my arrival. Right now, you’ve forgotten I was once new. You’re tired of me and waiting patiently for the new one who’s going to replace me. It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine. You’ve had me for 365days, very normal for you to get tired.

No! I’m not sad that my tenure is over. We never get sad when it’s time to leave ‘cos it’s the usual. I’m proud and happy that a lot of you used me to the fullest. During my reign, a lot happened. Houses were built, businesses sprang up, some got married and some others became responsible. You see, before I came in, a lot were living confused lives. Right now, I’m almost breathing my last breathe, they’re still confused. I just hope and pray that when my successor arrives they’ll be spurred to get things straight with their lives.

On my arrival, lots of you made promises to yourselves. Lots you said that during my reign, ‘this and that’ would happen. You made a promise that during my reign, you’ll do ‘this and that’. I’m almost breathing my last breathe, you’re still sitting on a couch with remote in your hand. Exactly what you did all through my reign. Please, don’t complain that my reign was a bad one. You were happy when I arrived, you knew I won’t be with you for long. You had 365days to do as much as you wanted before I eventually leave for good. So, it’s no fault of mine if you didn’t achieve your dreams.

My successor would arrive soon. When he arrives, I know you’ll begin to make those resolutions, I’m sure you’ll begin to plan out those big dreams that you hope to achieve before he leaves. When you make those resolutions, do it yourself ‘cos he won’t do it for you. When you resolve to do something with your life, you have to get up and do it yourself ‘cos it’s not his duty.

Like most of you are doing to me, don’t put the blame on him when you achieve nothing, don’t command him in prayers that ‘this and that’ must happen. It’s all in your hands. Make use of him fully, milk him out as much as you can, do more than 365days can achieve.

I’m leaving, but it’s surprising many fail to realise that. They still scream, “I must do ‘this and that’ before the year runs out”. These same people are hanging out in the bars down their street. They fail to realise I’ve only got seconds with them.

To those still hoping to milk me out before I leave, it’s never going to happen. But you can do that with my successor when he arrives. To those who have made me proud by achieving all they could within the 365, do more when my successor comes. To those who were confused before I arrived, confused when I arrived and confused all through my reign, I hope my successor brings you out of confusion. To those who dream of achieving dreams, I hope you wake up when my successor arrives.

This is the little I can do before my exit. I don’t want to leave you hanging, I want to make sure you know what you did wrong and what you did right during my reign. Now I can sleep on peacefully, knowing that you know what to do when my successor arrives.

I’m too weak to say more, but I’m sure you get all the points I put across. My successor who is stronger will be with you soon, go and prepare grounds for his arrival while you leave me to rest.


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