
Pulse Nigeria Poll: Readers say Eddy should report his female boss to management

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This worried man needs advice (Illustration)

32% of Pulse Nigeria Poll voters say Eddy should report his boss who has been harassing him sexually to the management of his company.

Eddy is facing a serious threat to his job as his married female boss has been harassing him sexually almost on a daily basis.

It has gotten to the point where she has given him an ultimatum to have sex with her or she would lose his job.

He is now between a rock and hard place: should he go ahead and sleep with her or risk being thrown into the job market?

Read his story here:

"My name is Eddy, a 28-year-old man working in a consulting firm in Lagos. I got the job through a friend who recommended me after he was leaving for another job.

Before I got the job, I had been searching for over two years after I lost my last job so I decided to put everything into it and make a mark. I took on extra responsibility and was always willing to take up new tasks.

I was soon the favourite of most senior staff who felt I was making a good impact on the company and after three months, I was promoted to a line manager and that was when my problem started.

A new General Manager was brought in from the head office and was to be in charge of my department. The new GM turned out to be a woman in her early 40s and though she was not a beauty queen, she was pretty in her own right.

ALSO READ: "Morning Teaser: 'My married female boss has been harassing me sexually'"

During the general introductions, she told us she was married with three children and even in her office, she had photographs of her husband and children on her table and on the walls.

From the moment she resumed, the GM took a special interest in me and made sure I was always at hand whenever she had a special assignment. While others saw her as a very difficult person to work with, it was a pleasure working with her because she was very free with me.

She began telling me about her family, how she and her husband have been having problems for a while and how her marriage was not as happy as she makes it look. There were days she would lock herself in her office and cry and I would comfort her the best I could.

I was shocked one day when she told me that she and her husband had not had sex for over six months and how he starves her sexually. I was very uncomfortable with the discussion and tried to change the topic.

But she asked me if she was not good enough for a man and I told her any sane man would be glad to have her as a wife.

We were still talking when she moved closer to me and planted a kiss on my lips. I was taken aback and quickly moved away from her and told her very politely to pull herself together but she told me she would do anything for me to sleep with her there and then in her office.

ALSO READ: "Pulse Nigeria Poll: Readers say they will sleep with a boss who harasses them sexually"

She was behaving like a woman in heat and it took all my willpower to keep her at bay and leave the office but since that day, she has been on my neck almost every day, begging me to sleep with her, promising me heaven and earth as a reward.

Now she has given me an ultimatum to either sleep with her or I will get to see the bad side of her and I would not like what will come out of it. She told me that I stand the risk of losing my job if I continue to resist her.

I am really confused. There are no jobs waiting for me out there if I am sacked but I also do not want to sleep with another man's wife.


The teaser for the day was:

Do you think Eddy should sleep with his married boss to save his job?

How Nigeria voted:

Eddy should go ahead and sleep with his boss since she wants it - 20%

Eddy should not fall into the temptation of sleeping with his boss - 24%

 Eddy should rather resign than sleep with his married boss - 25%

Eddy should report his boss to the management of the company - 32%

How would you vote on this issue?

from pulse.ng - Gist http://ift.tt/2AhOCJD

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