
Pulse Nigeria Poll: Readers say Dolapo can go ahead and have her child

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This worried woman needs advice (Illustration)

41% of Pulse Nigeria Poll voters are of the belief that a woman can have a baby even if the man is not willing to accept responsibility.

Dolapo is a 32-year-old lady whose boyfriend, Tope, wants to abort their baby, claiming he is not yet ready to be a father. Though he has forced her to get rid of their babies two other times, she is not ready to take that risk again as she fears her biological clock is fast ticking.

Read her story here:

"My name is Dolapo, a 32-year-old woman who is facing a very difficult decision and I need advice from fellow readers on how to go about this.

I know that at my age, I should be talking of a husband and not a boyfriend but that is the situation I have found myself.

I am currently three months pregnant for my boyfriend, Tope, who is insisting on me getting an abortion as he is not ready to be a father. This will make it the third time he will be forcing me to have an abortion but this time, I am not so sure I want to do his bidding.

I met Tope four years ago after a man I dated for seven years abandoned me and got married to another woman. I had vowed never to have anything to do with men after Dimeji abandoned me after all I had done for him.

But when Tope came into my life, he promised to help me wipe out the pains I was going through. He was so nice that before I knew it, I had fallen so much in love with him and had hopes of getting married to him.

But when I got pregnant after just six months, I thought that would make him hasten our marriage but he pleaded that it was just too sudden and that I should abort the baby which I reluctantly did.

The following year, I took in again and he also insisted I get rid of the baby. When I found out that I was pregnant this time around, I was reluctant to tell him but when he found out, he yet again, insisted I abort the baby but so far, I have stood my grounds.

Now he is threatening to leave me if I insist on having the baby. He has stopped picking my calls and has barred me from visiting him until I do what he wants.

I am really confused. I love him quite alright but how many times would I keep aborting my baby, knowing that my biological clock is fast ticking away?


The teaser for the day was:

Would you advise a 32-year-old woman to abort her baby because her boyfriend wants her to?

How Nigeria voted:

Yes, she should not give birth to a child whose father is not ready to accept - 19%

No, she should forget about him and have her baby - 41%

Abortion in any form is a sin - 13%

She can be a single mother and have her baby - 27%

How would you vote here?

from pulse.ng - Gist http://ift.tt/2dpFMhL

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