
Insanity: Toddler stomped to death by mum's boyfriend for wetting couch

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Toddler (Illustration)

The courts have found Mussie Debresay guilty of murdering a 2-year-old, for wetting his couch.

After the accused, Mussie Debresay, claimed that the victim sustained injuries which eventually led to her death, after falling off a couch 11 years ago, the courts have finally found him guilty of murder.

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Debresay who was arrested after the death of the victim pled not guilty to the charge of manslaughter but a Victorian Supreme Court jury on Tuesday September 27, found him guilty in her tragic death.

The jury passed a verdict, pronouncing Debresay guilty of manslaughter, accepting the evidence provided by the four-year-old brother of the victim who witnessed the sickening incident.

The reports reveal that Debrasay had been dating the mother of the victim, name withheld, for a few months before the incident occurred.

During the course of the short relationship, Debresay is reported to have taken over the role of dishing out discipline to the three children who referred to his as “Daddy MJ”.

The court heard that the family had been staying with Debresay on May 13, 2005, when the toddler’s stomach was 'squeezed deliberately or compressed by an extreme, severe force' which led to her death hours later.

When asked if he had seen what happened, the victim's brother revealed that he had seen Debresay stomping or standing on his sister for being naughty.

He disclosed to the police that his sister did a “wee wee” on the couch and “MJ hit (the victim)”. Following several conversations with police officers, the victim's brother demonstrated the motion used against the two-year-old.

Prosecutor, Sally Flynn, in her closing address, said, “Beside this stomping motion in this conversation, he also demonstrated a swinging, kicking motion.”

A babysitter arrived at their home later in the day and noticed that the toddler looked tired, slumped across their coffee table with her feet on the ground.

The jury heard that the toddler would have been lethargic which was caused by the massive internal bleeding she suffered due to the injuries she had sustained.

Hours later, the victim became unresponsive which prompted her mother to rush her to a medical centre where she was pronounced dead.

ALSO READ: Mother arrested for murdering her 3 children

Ms Flynn enthused that only two people could have been responsible for the victim's injuries, Debresay or the toddler’s mother, and there was no proof that the mother harmed her in any way.

“By far the worst thing that ever happened to (the victim) was that her mother met the accused,” Ms Flynn said.

Debresay has reportedly been taken into police custody to await his presentence hearing slated for November.

from pulse.ng - Gist http://ift.tt/2dAvFaz

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