
Genius: 10-yr-old bags $10,000 prize for successfully hacking into Instagram

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The youngster identified as Jani, has reportedly been awarded the sum of $10,000 by Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, after reportedly finding the flaw in the social media application, Instagram's security system.

News reports have revealed the daunting feat achieved by a 10 year old hacker described as a 'security expert' after hacking into Instagram.

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The youngster identified as Jani, has reportedly been awarded the sum of $10,000 by Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, after reportedly finding the flaw in the social media application, Instagram's security system.

The reports reveal that the 10 year old has successfully found a loophole that would have enabled anyone to delete comments left by users on any Instagram User page.

The Facebook's bug bounty programme, which hands out cash prizes to people who find flaws in the company's security system so they can be properly fixed, had awarded him $10,000 for his discovery.

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The programme is part of the many investments to which Zuckerberg is committed.

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