
Motivation To Move – You Can Get It If You WANT IT BAD ENOUGH

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Motivation To Move – You Can Get It If You WANT IT BAD ENOUGH
Sometimes you wonder why you haven’t progressed beyond your present situation. If you can ask yourself ‘What really is holding me back?’, what answer(s) do you get back? Is it money, health, family, a demanding job, a contrasting lifestyle? Or is it fear? Fear of failure? Fear of putting your eggs in one basket and it gets broken?
Maybe you have trusted too much in past times and got back-stabbed. Maybe you have given your all to a job only to be fired. Maybe you gave up your dreams for your spouse only to be taken for granted, berated and ridiculed. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe…. All the maybe’s are standing against you and what you really desire and the fear of the unknown is keeping you from chasing what you really want.
What do you really want from life? Why haven’t you made an extra effort? Are you conscious of what others are saying about your predicament? Are you worried about not meeting up to general opinion?
It is normal to worry about these things but it’s not normal to let it determine how far you take yourself in life. Everyone is on this earth on a personal mission. There are no two people with similar aims and objectives even twins have separate DNAs. The people you are worried about are worried about their own problem and they are looking for how to solve them so why should you let someone’s judgement hinder you from moving from where you are to were you want to be.
To fully become what you want to be, you must move from the MAY-BE and begin to believe in the WILL-BE because it is your dream, your life and your fears and no one can live your life or conquer your fears except you. You must begin to see all your failures as a stepping stone to greatness. If one doesn’t fail, one never finds a new way to do things. The more you fail, the more you figure out what not to do next time and then you train yourself to find a new way to do things.
Not everyone will get it right the first time. And just because you got it right the first time doesn’t mean, you can’t go wrong later. Life, Career, Marriage, Happiness, Love, Peace and all the good things in life is all about finding a balance and using it to channel you mindset in the direction you want it to go.
You MUST always learn to rise with a lesson every time you fail. You can only go wrong when you fall, get back up and still keep doing the things that took you down in the first place.
It’s also important you surround yourself with people who are headed on the same journey with you as it gives you a circle of like-minds. You shouldn’t be aiming for the stars and surround yourself with people who are comfy being on the ground. They’ll only keep you down and laugh at your dreams and that can only discourage you.
The word IMPOSSIBLE is for the pessimist, the word I AM POSSIBLE is for the optimist. Always look at the bright side of things because there is always a lesson to learn from every situation especially the bad ones.
No matter what you are going through, health, finance, family, heartbreak or terminal illness, every moment you breathe is one more moment to go after what you really want because you can never get back time once it’s lost.
I once had someone say ‘I’m just whiling away time’… It’s impossible to ‘while away’ time. Time doesn’t belong to you. Time belongs to Life. Time belongs to the Creator, so you can’t while away what isn’t yours. You can ‘while away’ your time, ie your age, your moment, your dreams, your life but you can never while away time as that is the only evidence of what you have done with your life; and evidence doesn’t just disappear. It’s evident in your age, your body, your looks, your finance, and everything that has to do with you.
Many times we take so many things for granted because it’s not what we think we want but the truth is, if we can change all our maybes to will be’s, wouldn’t you be giving yourself a chance at least, a chance to proudly stand and say, yes I did try without giving up.
You must learn to let go of every pain that hinders you from believing in yourself and moving forward.
You must learn to accept, forgive and forget the people who let you down and took you for granted, but most of all, you must begin to love yourself one moment at a time while carefully introspecting on your purpose in life and the legacy you want to leave for future generations after you are gone.
Time waits for no one so you must cherish every breath you take and make every move you make worth your while.
As you begin this journey into a beautiful week and a beautiful month, may you take the time  to hash out your fears, face them and conquer them. You must have Faith Over Every Thing because that’s the number one secret to success.
Here are some beautiful quotes to inspire your day to be better and do better.

Photo Credit, Pinterest, Tumblr
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