
Do job-hunters exist?

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As I thought of getting home yesterday to get a good shower after a long day at work, a lady settled beside me and grumbled to the driver to move the bus. I was relieved, at least someone sharp enough was in to bail the rest of us out from the driver’s unending delay. She kept shouting at him, “Move this bus jwo, you’ll get the remaining passengers on the way”.
In no time, we were off to our destination. This seat mate of mine looked really interesting and I kept stealing side glances at her, hoping and praying she did something really interesting that I could write about.
Well, her phone rang and she began to talk to this lady friend of hers who was job hunting. “Those places you submitted application to, have they called you? January is almost gone o, what’s happening? Ah! Coca-cola will does not pay, they’ll just give you allawee“. As the conservation continued, it got more interesting and I wished I could hear what was said on the other side of the phone.
After probably hearing her friend’s gory stories and giving her some advice, she began to tell hers. “Hmmm, one of those places I submitted application to called me and I resumed work today. I’m already thinking of resigning because the work is just too much. Too much work for how much pay? I can’t continue…”.
The conversation hit me so hard that I made a sigh and she heard. That was the end of her conservation. “I just don’t know, I’ll call you later”. Resuming and resigning the same day was big enough to make me sigh, but I wished I had stayed put, I could have probably heard more.
Now the question is, ‘are there job hunters’? From the lady’s conservation, I just realised that lots of people who have stayed jobless for several years were at one time or the other offered jobs that they rejected.
The turn out of things these days just shows that everyone wants to work less and earn big. Now, I’m not saying that’s impossible, it’s completely possible. But if you find yourself in Lagos like this young lady, where there are thousands of other job hunters pursuing same thing, you should do with what comes your way for the main time.
I don’t know what anyone else thinks, to me, you’ve got to start from somewhere. Most people don’t have alternatives when they reject these small jobs. They have no intention of starting a business or anything of their own, they just wait in their rooms for the big pay to knock on their doors.  I think receiving stipends, gaining skills and experience beats lounging on your cushion at home.
I have a friend who was wise enough to grab job that paid salary that was as good as stipend. While there, she kept applying for jobs that paid more than she was earning, and before she finally got one, it took over a year. Now, had she rejected the offer to accept stipend and resolved to lounging at home for over a year, she could have probably lost from both ends–No Experience, No job.
I think I’ve said enough, it’s just wise to grab any open opportunity to grow your skills and experience.
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