
Durex promotes Earth Hour with #TurnOffToTurnOn campaign @DurexNG

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Durex is encouraging people to reconnect whilst the lights are out with its #TurnOffToTurnOn campaign celebrating Earth Hour on 29 March.
As part of a call to action Durex Global has created a short film following the stories of several couples who, like most of us, have become distracted by the lure of a screen.
The film’s key objective is to drive social interaction with the #TurnOffToTurnOn activity which will run across 56 markets with a seven figure media budget behind it.
In addition Durex has also released results of a UK survey which shows nearly a third of Brits think technology gets in the way of our sex lives, with 40 per cent claiming it has an adverse effect on their relationship.
“Durex believes nothing should get in the way of great sex but our growing obsession with phones, laptops, TVs and Tablets isn’t bringing us closer together, it’s pushing us apart. So for us working with Earth hour is a perfect campaign fit to get across that message, let’s all turn off to turn on,” Ukonwa Ojo, global marketing manager at Durex said.
The film, developed with TMW, was officially launched yesterday (Wednesday 19 March), Virgo Consumer Health and Wellbeing are behind UK PR.

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