
My challenges as a female D.J — DJ Frizzie

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Frances Higgwe discovered the art of disc jockeying at the age of 16 and made up her mind to become a professional DJ.  Her parents’  disapproval and  a degree in Environmental  Engineering  from University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, did not stop her from pursuing her passion.  In this interview with TAYO GESINDE, DJ Frizzie, as she is known in the entertainment industry, speaks on life as a female DJ and fashion preferences.


Growing up
Well, it was bitter sweet; some great moments, some sad, some really bitter and trying for my tender age but in all, I guess it made me what I am today, Frances.  I'm Kalabari   from Rivers State. I studied Environmental Engineering at the University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT).

Life as a DJ
 I discovered the art of disc jockeying and decided to pursue it when it dawned on me that I love music and the entertainment   industry as a whole.  I have released two singles, and a lot of online DJ mix tapes, they can be found on my website. I'm into music production, singing, song writing, graphics and web designing. Don’t forget that I am also an environmental engineer.  I'm involved in charity and women empowerment too.

Parents’ reactions
Fear! Shock!  My mum felt that I was being influenced by a boyfriend to become a DJ. They just couldn't understand the reason behind it.  I really can't pin point how I convinced them to allow me to follow my dream. Although, they are still not fully convinced but every step of the way, they saw that I was passionate about it, and supported me regardless. When I graduated,  my mum stumbled on me creating my website; www.djfrizzie.net (that was after I had scouted around for a web designer and was charged huge amount of money I couldn't afford so I took it upon myself to do it on my own, after all I was computer literate). Also, I used my National Youth Service Corps to break out from under my parents by going to Lagos for my service so I could pursue my dream.

Challenges of a female DJ
 I believe that as a female DJ, one should have more advantages over the males, because we have few women towing the path but in all, I did face doubts at some point because it was believed that as a lady, you couldn't possibly do what the males were doing not to talk of doing it better, so that did affect pricing because they believed they were doing one a favour despite the fact that one is actually offering them one’s services. It was really funny. So I'd say the competition was really tight; seeing that there was no space for us to fit in but I had no other choice than to force my way through, that's where perseverance came in. There was also the challenge of my security because I'm a lady as well as the fear of sexual harassment but in all, I thank God because I haven't faced any of it negatively. There were times I felt like quitting. Everyone goes through that phase of life when they ask themselves, am I really called to do this? Is this really my thing? But I know that there's one thing I can't ever compromise in life, and that is my happiness. Joy is Life. When one is not happy with his/herself then she can't progress at the pace one is supposed to. I'm happy being what I am today and hope to grow much more  bigger and  to expand my horizon.  That is what keeps me going, that and my unshakable faith in God.

Well, in Nigeria nay, the world at large one can't afford to do just one thing. Despite the fact that I am into other things, the one which is more financially rewarding would be disc jockey because that's the one I'm most focused on right now. I want to be branded as DJ Frizzie first.

How I came about the name DJ Frizzie
The name Frizzie metamorphsised over time. But the idea came from a pc game called mega man. I'm a game person; I love video games in general. There was this boss (the bad guy) in the game that answered brizzly or so, I liked the name and I wanted to form a nickname from it and kept trying different stuffs until I arrived at the word "frizz Franz" (Franz short for Frances, which also is my actual name) but as I got into the university, I started being called Frizzie, I don't know how it happened but I certainly don't think I was the one that formed Frizzie as it were.

Description of self
I'm an open and easy going person. I am focused, fun to be with and a lovely personality.

Definition of style
Style is what you are. Period!  If you are a classy person, it will show in your style. If you are trashy, it will also show. If you are timid too, your dressing will show it. So, your style defines you.

Beauty regimen
 I do all the normal girly stuffs. By that I mean cleansing, moisturising and so on. After following all the beauty procedures, I apply make-up and I am good to go.

Choice of accessories
Earrings, necklace, wrist watch (very important), hand band or bracelet.

Favourite designers
I don't have any particular one yet. I mean it is not every time one can afford to buy designers and that is why most people go for imitations.  I believe that if a product looks durable enough, go for it. It is not the label that matters but the functionality.

 Favourite perfumes
 Ah! That one hard oh! I can feel the name coming out from my mouth but can't place it. Ha-ha! I try out different ones though, as far as it’s nice and I love the scent, it’s  cool by me.

 Favourite colours
Well, I have two favourite colours, sky blue and pink. I've not been able to pick which one I love best out of the two.

 Fashion item I can’t do without when going out
My sunglasses. I never used to be into it but now, I can't do without it.

 Secret of beauty
 I'm flattered! That means you think I'm beautiful. Thanks. But of course, I am beautifully and wonderfully made by God. Well! The secret! Is there any secret to beauty?  Well,  pray to God to make you beautiful in the eyes of men and then try as much as possible to take care of yourself and heed to beauty tips (good ones though and not the kind of rubbing onions on your face type)

 Diet or exercise
I  do both but once in a while. For instance, in October when I put on some weight, I went on a diet. I still intend continuing the fruit diet and exercising. I just need a rugged, stubborn trainer. But it is something I advise everyone to do; it is a necessity just like prayers.

Special treat
I like to do three things;  eat some good home cooked meal; watch a movie or series and then sleep. I love food, I love movies and I love my sleep.

Most expensive item in my wardrobe
Hmmm... I'd say my jewellery. It couldn't possibly be my clothes or shoes. Besides, as a lady, it is wise to invest in gold, (that's a good tip right there) they never depreciate.

 Fashion icons
 Oh! That is a million dollar question because I'm not really a fashion freak you know. But from the top of my head, I'd say Genevieve Nnaji.

Opinion on toning
 It depends on the degree of toning. Well, personally, I do believe in the maintenance of one's skin colour but if you are black and you want  to be white, well, it is a free world do what you want. Just be aware of the consequences.

Cosmetic surgery
As I said, it is a free world.

My take on provocative dressing
Not good. It is not good at all. One should be aware of how one dresses. I mean there are some matured way of dressing in a sexy way; you know the "more you look, the less you see" type of dressing. Anyway it is not my business.

 My nails and hair
 Well, I hardly paint my nails because they are pretty as they are, although, sometimes, they grow out of shape and then I get it manicured. Also, as a deejay, I feel I wouldn't be comfortable working with fixed nails, not that I've ever tried it before, because I've never fixed. I might deflower them on my wedding day though! But I paint my nails. When the occasion is that serious. And I most certainly do my hair often because our natural hairs don’t stay intact for long. But hey! I can go on with just my natural hair. I have a nice hair.

Greatest physical asset
Ah!  My mind just ran to my boobs and ass but I thought of it again, and I'd say my eyes.

What I won’t be caught dead wearing
Gele with blouse and wrapper.

What I  will like to change about myself
Nothing at all but if I found out I got some nasty behaviour or character that is not good for my personality, then, I'd try and change it. Asides that, nothing.

Personal philosophy of life
Love God, be yourself, find out what your calling or destiny is and go for it because you never know whose destiny is tied to it. And my best of all "ARISE and SHINE"!

 Advice on how to stay young and beautiful
Drink a lot of water and eat healthy. No junk food. I should take this advice too.

Coping with advances from male admirers
Ha-ha! That one? Na book person go write oh! Just use your head, be careful and be wise.
On negative press
Ha-ha! Get a good publicist to sort it out. After all, that's their job.

Qualities I want in a man
I will like to settle down with a very patient man (women our wahala too much), God-fearing, understanding, supportive of my music career. I want a man who can cook (at least sometimes you should surprise me with your skills too, it shows you are romantic). He should also be presentable, wise and a man of his words.


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