
#FreshOut! Mr NEO - Emini Olowo Suicide Bomber

His name is Nathan Emmanuel Obiajuru aka Mr NEO, he is 25, from Enugu state, holds a Diploma in Television production from the NTA College  and a christian, from a family of 5, a last son and a last of em all, currently working as a Movie producer and Camera studio photographer, He humbly holds a Title "Best Script writer  2012" as he emerged 1st at the just concluded competition that took place on the 1st September in Jos, he has love for music, been in the game since 2004 . Thus he is working on a few projects that will soon be in the light.. On the other hand of him, he grew up nurturing the love for raping, writing and arts so he is a kinda of upbeat guy.

*Download Emini Olowo Suicide Bomber


I tink he's gonna blow soon, nice lyrics, keep it up man

Nathan ur really trying just keep it up.

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