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By Olabode Emmanuel Olawumi

Segun Odeyemi is a young man of poise and impeccable character, self motivated, persuasive and goal oriented. He is an excellent negotiator and a problem solver; a good communicator and a change agent. In this exclusive interview with OYA MAGAZINE, the young entrepreneur tells us about his fast growing fashion outfit, Gorgeous Outfit.


I see a piece of my clothing in every household. I believe in this dream! I believe in the vision! I see hope!

How did you come about the brand name, Gorgeous Outfit?
Actually, the name came about as a result of people’s perception about me and what I wear. I was in my compound and a girl saw me in boxers and singlet and was like, wow! you look gorgeous. I was shocked! So that was how I came about the name Gorgeous Outfit. Till now people still call me Mr. Gorgeous.

What is Gorgeous Outfit all about?
Gorgeous Outfit is a clothing line, We make custom-made suits.

How, when and where did Gorgeous Outfit start?
It started like 3/4 years ago. It started officially last year.

What inspired you to launch Gorgeous Outfit?
It’s more than a love for fashion. It’s a desire to see everyone looking good. I am not a fan of a young man looking shabby. And also this urge to differentiate my client from the crowd inspired me to launch Gorgeous outfit!

Prior to establishing Gorgeous Outfit, what other things were you involved in?
I was involved in a lot of stuffs – drama included. I founded a drama group, Trinity Drama Group – it was bringing a lot of cash then but there’s a bigger picture which is Gorgeous Outfit.

How will you describe Gorgeous Outfit’s greatest achievements?
In the past few years we’ve achieved a lot but I believe our better is not good enough. The best is yet to come for Gorgeous Outfit. We’ve met a lot of celebrities, Terry G, AY, to mention a few and we have worked with a lot of Models – made stuffs for them; talk less about the number of students that wear our clothes on daily basis.

What is Gorgeous Outfit’s unique selling point?
I think it’s showing our clients what we’ve done and what we can do for them. Anywhere you see our clothes, you’ll notice it is different from others. We are committed to making what eyes has not seen.

Tell us more about your clients and customers. Who are they?
Celebrities, students, bankers, pastors, Models,the list is endless.

How affordable is/are your suit(s)?
I don’t know really. I think our clients will judge. The cost of our suits differs based on the complexity and technicality of the design.

How long will it take you to deliver a customer’s suit(s) after it has/have been ordered for and paid for?
A week.

How did you raise the capital to start Gorgeous Outfit?
I never had everything set at once. I believe that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a step after another step. I started from the scratch and we are getting there. There was no capital as such.

As a young entrepreneur, what kind of support do you have from family and friends?
Motivation. They are always there to tell me that, ‘Segun, you can make it.’ And to encourage me.

What is the current staff strength of Gorgeous Outfit?

Tell me about your experience as a fashion designer
Yeah…a lot. We’ve had good times and bad times. I’ve had very funny and great experiences with my clients.

What inspires your designs or outfits(s)?
Creativity! I love handling technicality!

What are your core values as an individual and as a brand?As a brand, we are committed to excellence; as an individual I’m a positivist. I believe that all things are possible.

Tell us about Trinity Organisation and Smart Wears NG Limited
Trinity, that was the first company I started. At a point in time I killed it. It wasn’t an easy thing to kill a company, it’s as hard as killing one’s child. Smart Wears NG LTD was where I learnt fashion designing.

What is Stritz TV and what role do you play there?
Stritz TV is a mobile tv station and presently. I’m the anchor of fashion police.

What about Strongroom of Dreams International?
It is an organisation. I’m currently the Director of events.

Who are your role-models?
I’m not a fan of having role models . I have mentors though – I stand on their shoulders to see the future.

What does fashion and style mean to you?
It’s a way of expressing yourself…a way of telling people who you are. When you see a man dressed in baggy jeans and a shirt, that’s an impression he’s creating. When you see a young man dressed in my suit, there’s an impression he is creating.

Can you recall your most embarrassing moment as a fashion designer and an entrepreneur?
I think as a fashion designer, those days when I used to wear a pocket square on a crested suit. I recall, I learnt the hard way – public disgrace.

When I read through your profile, I had this feeling that you are multi-talented; what other things are you involved in?I’m a motivational speaker. We have this project we are on with presently. It is called ‘SAVE THIS ONES, THIS ONES MUST NOT DIE’. It’s about going to schools, talking to them and helping then attain their goals. I do a bit of fashion consultancy. I give advise to celebrities on what they should wear, what they should not wear, and what they must not wear.

Let’s talk a bit more personal. Who is Segun Odeyemi? Where were you raised? Tell me about your childhood experiences and educational background.
Segun Odeyemi is me! I’m Segun Odeyemi. I grew up in Ibadan, later went to Brilliant Stars Nursery/Primary School, then Brilliant Stars College and presently and a Law student at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

Do you intend to practise law when you graduate?

God willing, I intend creating fashion law in Nigeria.

What sacrifice can you make for Gorgeous Outfit?
There is no sacrifice I can’t make for Gorgeous Outfit because this is a future I see and believe in.

Considering the demanding task of being a student-entrepreneur, how do you strike a balance between both?
The heights attained by great men were not attained by sudden flight but they, when others slept in the night they toiled forward through the night. I’ve celebrated weeks of sleepless nights and I think I’ll do more of that in years to come.

Something you can’t do without?
I can’t do without my wardrobe. That’s the most expensive asset I’ve got.

Most valuable person in your life
My mum.

Favorite book and author
‘Becoming a Better You’ – Joel Oesten

Where do you see Gorgeous Outfit in 5 years?
I see a piece of my clothing in every household. I believe in this dream! I believe in the vision! I see hope!

Future plans
I would concentrate more on Gorgeous Outfit and also do a lot of motivational speaking and fashion consulting

Favorite quote(s)
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

How, when and where can people contact Gorgeous Outfit?
Mobile: 07030230677, Email: Segunodeyemi2009@yahoo.com, www.facebook.com/Gorgousoutfit. BB Contact: 277623AC.

I believe you guys are doing a great job. The sky is not the beginning for you, it’s the starting point. Your questions are too technical though. *smiles*

OYA (Outstanding Young Achievers), we are all about celebrating young achievers; from entertainment to entrepreneurship to leadership. They say youths are the leaders of tomorrow, but our mission is to celebrate them because they are not just leaders of tomorrow; they are lords of our generation and heroes worth a lifetime of celebration.

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